Saturday, 5 September 2009

GEMPA-h+3 pun masih berefek!

gempa bumi, earthquake, bumi gonjang-ganjing

It looks like everybody has their own interesting story about their java earthquake on wednesday..
Well, mine is kinda boring, but i just have to post about that!

I was staring blank, in a room filled by 8 people, then Krishna, my friend, poke me and said "Yud, it's your turn, yellow, eight!", and all of the sudden, I throw 2 pieces of different colored card, both of them has number 2 on it, and then i said it out loud..."UNO!!!", then I laughed..
---I'm kinda good with uno card game, as I practiced it a lot when i'm doing my rotation at the forensic department, nearly 1 year ago, i had to master it at that time, as the loser will be given an artificial "tahi lalat" (hmm naevus, i dont know the english for that, it's a black dot that marks your body) using my friends eyeliner (Weni, she's a make-up artists part-timing as a medical intern--buahahahhhahaa)---

Well, back to Wednesday earthquake.. Okay, when i was laughing at my near-victory experience, I was hearing this weird sound (woong woong woong) with that unique shaking sensation, and in a split second, i ran, i really mean it, i was RUNNING so fast to escape the building to reach some open space below.. and while I'm running, my mind was distracted by a fact that my blackberry, my wallet, and my assignments was not with me, i decided to give up my wallet and assignment, but NOT my blackberry (God knows what deep shit i got into, to finally own one), so then, while I was running for my life, i was screaming like crazy, "KRISHNA KRISHNA DO YOU HAVE MY BLACKBERRY WITH YOU?" over and over again, and i think it even surpasses the nurses "ALLAHUAKBAR" voices, and then when I've successfully get to the open space, Krishna said "Yud, i got your BB with me, no worry-a" (she's a Malaysian Indian, so she got that exotic accent--use it in your imagination!!), i felt so relieved, and i took it from her and updated my facebook status diligently, hahaahahaha, i thought mine was "uuuuu gempa"...

3 or 4 minutes later, the earthquake finally stops, while i was feeling glad and absolutely out of breath at that time, i just can't stand the fact that my friend (Joanna) was running all those steps without her shoes on, then i laughed like crazy, and nearly all of the people there did too... after a few minutes of good laugh, i decided to go back to the otolaryngology library upstairs, to continue playing UNO (well, i was thisclose to winning the last game right?), and just like a regular crackberry, i was walking while I check people's status, and then one status actually grab my attention, it was Ocha's (my high school friend, she currently studying in Germany), she wrote something like "Just noticed that there was an earthquake in west java, I figured that from facebook and twitter, it was so amazing that people could actually updated their status just a few seconds after they felt the earthquake.." buahahahahhaahah, i was laughing so hard, and there you have it my fellow reader, I'm not the only one who is superficial right?

Hmm, to make this post more meaningful, maybe i should wrote about the moral value about this post right, so the moral of this story is, ............................. (I'm sorry, seems that i can't find any, even the most sarcastic one..)


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