1. Wali - Cari Jodoh
2. The Potter - Keterlaluan
3. The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
someone said, "either you born with it or you're not.."
While I was putting together a look for my friend Ira, she asked me this question "Yu, I just can't understand why you could always put together a style that is unique and flawless?", well the truth is that I can't answer that question directly, then I remembered those saying..
Well, not just for somebody else though. when I was still in the undergraduate program, I was voted as the most fashionable one, it intrigues me, as I don't feel like I'm putting that much effort choosing what I wore back then (neither do I nowadays), but people seems to think that I was the person who shops branded and expensive items, and looks great with effort.. To tell you the truth, I was a very picky shopper, I won't buy stuffs like, hmmm for example shirt, that cost more than Rp. 120.000 (12USD), and pants that costs more than Rp 200.000 (20USD), because I live in a very great town, which is Bandung, that has so many factory outlets, that allows me to buy great items for just a fraction of it's counter price..Then for the effort part, I think I'm not putting any effort at all, when I was dressing myself, as I always gets up late in the morning, sometimes I don't have the time to get a shower, so how can I have time to think what clothes that I gonna wear everyday..?
Then I spent like 15 minutes thinking about it, and I came up with several hypothesis about it:
1. It's my height: well I'm 183 cm tall (about 6-ish foot), more or less I think height is very helpful to make a person stands out in the crowd..
2. It's my ability to work the clothes, I don't understand it either, but a lot of tv shows said that you actually could work your clothes, so that even if you wear a potato sack, you still looks good in it..
3. Hmm, maybe my vast collection of basic fashion things, style-wise and color-wise, so it prevented me to look ridiculous, even if I dress in the dark..
4. Maybe it's just my sixth sense..?
Then, the moral of this post is:
It's great if you were born with a fashion sense, but if you think that you're not, or need to pump up your look, feel free to contact me, I'm part-timing as a freelance private fashion buyer and conceptor, with a low commission starting from 20% of your total shopping price, and friendly price for last minute concept, ahahahaahahahahaha!
As Yves Saint Laurent said while was alive.."fashion may come and go, but style is forever", if you think you're lacking of it, there's other people who can help you..!
NB: confidentiality agreement available
While I was putting together a look for my friend Ira, she asked me this question "Yu, I just can't understand why you could always put together a style that is unique and flawless?", well the truth is that I can't answer that question directly, then I remembered those saying..
Well, not just for somebody else though. when I was still in the undergraduate program, I was voted as the most fashionable one, it intrigues me, as I don't feel like I'm putting that much effort choosing what I wore back then (neither do I nowadays), but people seems to think that I was the person who shops branded and expensive items, and looks great with effort.. To tell you the truth, I was a very picky shopper, I won't buy stuffs like, hmmm for example shirt, that cost more than Rp. 120.000 (12USD), and pants that costs more than Rp 200.000 (20USD), because I live in a very great town, which is Bandung, that has so many factory outlets, that allows me to buy great items for just a fraction of it's counter price..Then for the effort part, I think I'm not putting any effort at all, when I was dressing myself, as I always gets up late in the morning, sometimes I don't have the time to get a shower, so how can I have time to think what clothes that I gonna wear everyday..?
Then I spent like 15 minutes thinking about it, and I came up with several hypothesis about it:
1. It's my height: well I'm 183 cm tall (about 6-ish foot), more or less I think height is very helpful to make a person stands out in the crowd..
2. It's my ability to work the clothes, I don't understand it either, but a lot of tv shows said that you actually could work your clothes, so that even if you wear a potato sack, you still looks good in it..
3. Hmm, maybe my vast collection of basic fashion things, style-wise and color-wise, so it prevented me to look ridiculous, even if I dress in the dark..
4. Maybe it's just my sixth sense..?
Then, the moral of this post is:
It's great if you were born with a fashion sense, but if you think that you're not, or need to pump up your look, feel free to contact me, I'm part-timing as a freelance private fashion buyer and conceptor, with a low commission starting from 20% of your total shopping price, and friendly price for last minute concept, ahahahaahahahahaha!
As Yves Saint Laurent said while was alive.."fashion may come and go, but style is forever", if you think you're lacking of it, there's other people who can help you..!
NB: confidentiality agreement available

Sunday, 6 September 2009
things that you usually do when you are Indonesian, in a fasting month..
Well, not all Indonesian, usually the more fortunate moslem-and sometimes people who aren't moslem too- will add charity work to their agenda on the special get together on the fasting month, which usually consist of breaking the fasting day and sometimes sahur (to eat before dawn, to prepare the body for fasting all day)..
Well, not all Indonesian, usually the more fortunate moslem-and sometimes people who aren't moslem too- will add charity work to their agenda on the special get together on the fasting month, which usually consist of breaking the fasting day and sometimes sahur (to eat before dawn, to prepare the body for fasting all day)..
Yesterday, me and my group of friends done exactly that..
We started eating at maghrib on Achie's place, as she celebrating her birthday yesterday, there were quite a lot of people there..
After we finished eating, there was gossip and laughter that were thrown to the air, when you're a 20-something person, and most of your friends have already get a job, this is a very special occasion, a reunion with your friends that you haven't been seeing in months..
Then, at 9 pm, we started to separate 60 kg of rice, 50 cans of sardines, 50 cans of condensed milk, and 100 pieces of instant noodles into 50 separate bags, for the charity work. Initially we wanted to go to faraway place, called pangalengan or cililin to get a hands-on with the earthquake victim, but we just finished our bag separating at 11, so we decided to just going around the town to find somebody who really needs it, and we put our leftover money on some victim center for the earthquake..
We stroll around the city, from dago, to alun-alun, to tegalega, there were 3 cars in to convoy, so it supposedly easy to cope right? But the real thing happening is that we were having a hard time to just stick together and not letting any car get left behind..
The to the interesting part...
The culinary trip of Bandung Night feasts!
1. first we ate mi Acik (Bakmi Tasik), it is located on Gardujati Street-you should try to find AVIS tailor neon box, it's directly under that..
it was a noodle, a yamien, with homemade noodle,n the noodle is thick and kinda chewy, with a hot chilli to match! superbbb (Rp17rb-USD 1.7/bowl)
2. then in the same street we walk a little bit further to eat ketan hitam (black sticky rice soup with coconut juice), it's sticky, it's sweet' and it's warm, perfect for late night snack! (5rb-50 cent/bowl)
3. after the sweets, then we drove to a nearby station (St Hall) to eat perkedel bondon. Perkedel is a bite size-potato ball-deepfried dish, and bondon is a prostitute, why it was called that? Maybe because the St Hall, is not only the Station for public transport, but also the Station for whores back then.. (Rp1000-10 cents/piece), super yummy, with the crispy outside crust, and oh-so-soft and warm inside!!
After those 3 places we get to, our stomach just can't hold anymore food, so we decided to get home and get some sleep, there's no other need for sahur, as our trip is overwhelmingly stuffed our stomach, hehehee
i post the pictures later, it's still on my friends digicam

Saturday, 5 September 2009
GEMPA-h+3 pun masih berefek!
gempa bumi, earthquake, bumi gonjang-ganjing
It looks like everybody has their own interesting story about their java earthquake on wednesday..
Well, mine is kinda boring, but i just have to post about that!
I was staring blank, in a room filled by 8 people, then Krishna, my friend, poke me and said "Yud, it's your turn, yellow, eight!", and all of the sudden, I throw 2 pieces of different colored card, both of them has number 2 on it, and then i said it out loud..."UNO!!!", then I laughed..
---I'm kinda good with uno card game, as I practiced it a lot when i'm doing my rotation at the forensic department, nearly 1 year ago, i had to master it at that time, as the loser will be given an artificial "tahi lalat" (hmm naevus, i dont know the english for that, it's a black dot that marks your body) using my friends eyeliner (Weni, she's a make-up artists part-timing as a medical intern--buahahahhhahaa)---
Well, back to Wednesday earthquake.. Okay, when i was laughing at my near-victory experience, I was hearing this weird sound (woong woong woong) with that unique shaking sensation, and in a split second, i ran, i really mean it, i was RUNNING so fast to escape the building to reach some open space below.. and while I'm running, my mind was distracted by a fact that my blackberry, my wallet, and my assignments was not with me, i decided to give up my wallet and assignment, but NOT my blackberry (God knows what deep shit i got into, to finally own one), so then, while I was running for my life, i was screaming like crazy, "KRISHNA KRISHNA DO YOU HAVE MY BLACKBERRY WITH YOU?" over and over again, and i think it even surpasses the nurses "ALLAHUAKBAR" voices, and then when I've successfully get to the open space, Krishna said "Yud, i got your BB with me, no worry-a" (she's a Malaysian Indian, so she got that exotic accent--use it in your imagination!!), i felt so relieved, and i took it from her and updated my facebook status diligently, hahaahahaha, i thought mine was "uuuuu gempa"...
3 or 4 minutes later, the earthquake finally stops, while i was feeling glad and absolutely out of breath at that time, i just can't stand the fact that my friend (Joanna) was running all those steps without her shoes on, then i laughed like crazy, and nearly all of the people there did too... after a few minutes of good laugh, i decided to go back to the otolaryngology library upstairs, to continue playing UNO (well, i was thisclose to winning the last game right?), and just like a regular crackberry, i was walking while I check people's status, and then one status actually grab my attention, it was Ocha's (my high school friend, she currently studying in Germany), she wrote something like "Just noticed that there was an earthquake in west java, I figured that from facebook and twitter, it was so amazing that people could actually updated their status just a few seconds after they felt the earthquake.." buahahahahhaahah, i was laughing so hard, and there you have it my fellow reader, I'm not the only one who is superficial right?
Hmm, to make this post more meaningful, maybe i should wrote about the moral value about this post right, so the moral of this story is, ............................. (I'm sorry, seems that i can't find any, even the most sarcastic one..)
It looks like everybody has their own interesting story about their java earthquake on wednesday..
Well, mine is kinda boring, but i just have to post about that!
I was staring blank, in a room filled by 8 people, then Krishna, my friend, poke me and said "Yud, it's your turn, yellow, eight!", and all of the sudden, I throw 2 pieces of different colored card, both of them has number 2 on it, and then i said it out loud..."UNO!!!", then I laughed..
---I'm kinda good with uno card game, as I practiced it a lot when i'm doing my rotation at the forensic department, nearly 1 year ago, i had to master it at that time, as the loser will be given an artificial "tahi lalat" (hmm naevus, i dont know the english for that, it's a black dot that marks your body) using my friends eyeliner (Weni, she's a make-up artists part-timing as a medical intern--buahahahhhahaa)---
Well, back to Wednesday earthquake.. Okay, when i was laughing at my near-victory experience, I was hearing this weird sound (woong woong woong) with that unique shaking sensation, and in a split second, i ran, i really mean it, i was RUNNING so fast to escape the building to reach some open space below.. and while I'm running, my mind was distracted by a fact that my blackberry, my wallet, and my assignments was not with me, i decided to give up my wallet and assignment, but NOT my blackberry (God knows what deep shit i got into, to finally own one), so then, while I was running for my life, i was screaming like crazy, "KRISHNA KRISHNA DO YOU HAVE MY BLACKBERRY WITH YOU?" over and over again, and i think it even surpasses the nurses "ALLAHUAKBAR" voices, and then when I've successfully get to the open space, Krishna said "Yud, i got your BB with me, no worry-a" (she's a Malaysian Indian, so she got that exotic accent--use it in your imagination!!), i felt so relieved, and i took it from her and updated my facebook status diligently, hahaahahaha, i thought mine was "uuuuu gempa"...
3 or 4 minutes later, the earthquake finally stops, while i was feeling glad and absolutely out of breath at that time, i just can't stand the fact that my friend (Joanna) was running all those steps without her shoes on, then i laughed like crazy, and nearly all of the people there did too... after a few minutes of good laugh, i decided to go back to the otolaryngology library upstairs, to continue playing UNO (well, i was thisclose to winning the last game right?), and just like a regular crackberry, i was walking while I check people's status, and then one status actually grab my attention, it was Ocha's (my high school friend, she currently studying in Germany), she wrote something like "Just noticed that there was an earthquake in west java, I figured that from facebook and twitter, it was so amazing that people could actually updated their status just a few seconds after they felt the earthquake.." buahahahahhaahah, i was laughing so hard, and there you have it my fellow reader, I'm not the only one who is superficial right?
Hmm, to make this post more meaningful, maybe i should wrote about the moral value about this post right, so the moral of this story is, ............................. (I'm sorry, seems that i can't find any, even the most sarcastic one..)

Hmm, kinda weird
So, to be official, this is my first blog..
As you can see, i decided to called it "exploding conscience", i hope some of you actually wondered why I decided to call it that..
To be coherently in line with, science (???) i got to tell my fellow readers, what is a definition of conscience first, as I assume that all of you already know what exploding means right?
So, just to be simple, it's kind of "the" voice of your inner self, or your heart's voice, the only thing that is always tells you the truth, no matter what.
So, to be official, this is my first blog..
As you can see, i decided to called it "exploding conscience", i hope some of you actually wondered why I decided to call it that..
To be coherently in line with, science (???) i got to tell my fellow readers, what is a definition of conscience first, as I assume that all of you already know what exploding means right?
Conscience is an ability or a faculty that distinguishes whether one's actions are right or wrong. It leads to feelings of remorse when a human does things that go against his/her moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to moral values. It is also often viewed as the attitude which informs moral judgment before an action is performed. The extent to which such moral judgments are, or should be, based wholly in reason has been a matter of controversy almost throughout the history of Western philosophy. Commonly used metaphors refer to the "voice of conscience" or "voice within."
So, just to be simple, it's kind of "the" voice of your inner self, or your heart's voice, the only thing that is always tells you the truth, no matter what.
Exploding conscience, for me is when you cannot contain anymore what's inside your heart, and even though it is something bad, or even nasty, you got to let it out, and in my case, nearly all of my conscience is about those superficial things that i encountered in life, from food, fashion, and sometimes friends, also all of the fun stuffs (traveling, pranks, etc.) not the things that gotten in to deep, like some other person shares in their blogs, not that i don't want to share my deep feelings, it's just i don't happen to have any! ahahahahaaa
Yes, again just to be simple.. I'm a simple superficial person, that loves all things that makes me happy, and sometimes i just refuse to look to the other side (the deep things that people often got themselves incarcerated with).. and by doing that, i hope that you all just found some good shit from my blog, some good, simple, superficial shit...
Yes, again just to be simple.. I'm a simple superficial person, that loves all things that makes me happy, and sometimes i just refuse to look to the other side (the deep things that people often got themselves incarcerated with).. and by doing that, i hope that you all just found some good shit from my blog, some good, simple, superficial shit...
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